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Kings Langley Cricket Club
Junior Presentation 2023/24
Junior Presentation
When: Sunday 26th of May 2024
Where: Pearce Reserve, Whitby Rd, Kings Langley (Clubhouse)
Our junior presentation will be held at Pearce Reserve on Sunday 26th of May. All family and friends are welcome to attend. There will be a jumping castle, raffles and even a lucky draw prize for those who attend. The canteen and BBQ will be running, with all coaches and junior player will get a free sausage sandwich. We hope to see you all there.
COVID Safety
Your COVID-19 Safety Plan
Outdoor events
Business details
Business name Business location (town, suburb or postcode) |
Select your business type |
COVID-19 Safe outdoor gatherings |
Completed by |
Jenny Monaghan |
Email address |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Effective date |
18 October 2021 |
Date completed |
18 October 2021 |
Wellbeing of staff and customers
Exclude staff, performers and attendees who are unwell from the event.
Tell us how you will do this
- The reference to “staff, performers and attendees” can be considered to refer to volunteers and match officials, players, and spectators, under the collective term “participants”.
- How will your organisation exclude participants including volunteers from activities if they are unwell or showing symptoms?
- How will the organisation share information on getting tested/physical distancing/wearing masks/cleaning/playing conditions?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will remind all participants to not attend cricket training, matches or other activities if they feel unwell or are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.
Additionally, officials from Kings Langley Cricket Club (coaches/managers/team captain) will be directed to screen members before cricket related activities and exclude members who are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 as listed on this webpage: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/symptoms-and-testing.
Should a participant be found to be demonstrating a COVID-19 symptom(s) they will be asked to immediately leave the venue, self-isolate and seek medical advice.
Prior to returning to any cricket activity, Kings Langley Cricket Club will require the participant to provide a recent negative COVID test result or medical certificate stating that they are fit to resume activity.
Provide staff with information and training on COVID-19, including COVID-19 vaccination, when to get tested, physical distancing, wearing masks, and cleaning.
Tell us how you will do this
- The reference to “staff” can be considered to refer to volunteers and match officials
- What information will you provide volunteers and match officials to understand COVID Protocols, and how will you provide it?
- What training will you provide or direct them to undertake?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will communicate the latest information regarding COVID-19 to participants, including volunteers and match officials, on a regular basis by sharing updates from the Cricket NSW website
Volunteers and match officials will be asked to complete Infection Control Module training and to read the information relating to “Workers” on the Safe Work Australia website prior to commencing any cricket activities.
Display conditions of entry including requirements to stay away if unwell, COVID-19 vaccination and record keeping.
Tell us how you will do this
- Where will conditions of entry signage be displayed?
- What signage needs to be displayed in which locations?
- Who will decide which signs are required and in which format, how will they be sourced, and how they will be erected at the facility?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will direct all participants to check-in via QR codes at the venue or facility using the Service NSW Check-in App. Additional record-keeping of players and officials will be recorded in our competition management system.
Resources, posters and information about COVID-19 and the requirement to stay away if unwell will be displayed at appropriate locations around venues and facilities, including:
- entry and exit points of the venue and indoor areas of the facility where clear entry and exit points exist
- known congregation points at venues where clear entry and exit points do not exist.
Where Kings Langley Cricket Club identifies any language, cultural and disability barriers to communicating COVID-19 information to participants, we will make use of the resources available at https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/resources-other-languages.
Take reasonable steps to ensure all people aged 16 and over on the premises are fully vaccinated or have a medical exemption (including staff, attendees and contractors). For example, ensure posters outlining vaccination requirements are clearly visible, check vaccination status upon entry and only accept valid forms of evidence of vaccination, train staff on ways to check proof of COVID-19 vaccination status, remind customers of vaccination requirements in marketing materials. Guidance for businesses is available at: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/businessesand-employment/covid-safe-business/vaccination-compliance-for-businesses
Note: Staff outside of Greater Sydney who have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine are permitted to enter such premises for work until 1 November 2021 when they need to be fully vaccinated, or have a medical contraindication, in order to enter the premises.
Tell us how you will do this
Kings Langley Cricket Club will inform all participants aged 16 and over of the requirement to have received vaccination or hold a valid medical exemption in order to participate.
Posters outlining the requirement for people aged 16 and over to be vaccinated will be displayed at appropriate locations around venues and facilities, including:
- entry and exit points of the venue and indoor areas of the facility where clear entry and exit points exist
- known congregation points at venues where clear entry and exit points do not exist
Physical distancing
Capacity for a controlled outdoor event must not exceed the lesser of 1 person per 2 square metres of space of the premises in which the activity is conducted, or 3,000 persons.
Capacity at a COVID-19 safe outdoor gathering must not exceed the lesser of 1 person per 2 square metres of space of the premises in which the activity is conducted, or 200 persons.
Tell us how you will do this
Kings Langley Cricket Club will schedule all cricket-related activities to ensure any Public Health Orders relating to capacity and/or group-size limits are adhered to.
Where possible, kings Langley Cricket Club will schedule time between games/training sessions to enable all attendees to arrive and exit the venue safely, with minimal contact with others. Where possible, we have identified separate entry and exit points to the venue via signage and communicated this to participants and parents/carers.
We will continue to communicate with players to encourage come dressed ready to play and adopt the and ‘Get in. Play. Get out. ethos’
Ensure 1.5m physical distancing where possible, including:
- at points of mixing or queuing
- between seated groups
- between staff.
Tell us how you will do this
- What areas in your venue are people likely to mix or queue?
- How will you ensure physical distancing as being adhered to in areas such as:
- Training nets
- Bar/clubroom areas
- Canteen lines
- Amenities
- Carpark areas
- What signage, markings and/or decals will you provide?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will display signage at the venue reminding participants of the need to physical distance wherever possible and of any capacity limits applicable to indoor areas.
Where points of mixing or queueing are identified, we will identify where participants are asked to stand. Seated areas will be clearly marked. Spectators are encouraged to bring their own seating to venues.
Avoid congestion of people in specific areas where possible.
Tell us how you will do this
- Do you operate at a venue where there is usually a congestion of people in any specific area?
- If so, what area(s) are they and what can be done to disperse people in this scenario?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will communicate to participants the need to avoid creating situations where there may be a congestion of people in a specific area and request that:
- There must be no more than five (5) persons per training net at any one time (this can be any combination of bowlers, batters and coaches)
- All personal and/or team equipment bags must be placed a minimum 1.5m apart from each other
- Match Scorers sit a minimum 1.5m apart from each other and no person is to pass within 1.5m of an official scorer for any reason, including for the purposes of viewing the scorebook or electronic tablet
Have strategies in place to manage gatherings that may occur immediately outside the premises and in any designated smoking areas.
Tell us how you will do this
- How will you ensure physical distancing as being adhered to outside of amenities block, clubroom; car park in areas for drop off/pick up, smoking areas etc.
- How will you manage the flow of people?
- Can someone be controlling the area to ‘move people on’?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will actively encourage the “Get In. Play. Get Out” ethos and post physical distancing signage at any designated smoking area.
We will advise participants not to congregate or loiter in any carpark areas.
Where possible, Kings Langley Cricket Club will schedule sufficient time between games/training sessions to enable all attendees to arrive and exit the venue safely, with minimal contact with others, while adhering to Public Health Orders.
Singing by audiences is not allowed in indoor areas.
Tell us how you will do this
Not applicable as all cricket activities will take place outdoors.
Where practical:
encourage private transport options to minimise crowding on public transport coordinate with public transport to minimise COVID-19 risks associated with transportation to and from the venue if crowding may occur.
Tell us how you will do this
- How and when will you communicate this advice?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will request that participants avoid using public transport where possible.
Review the 'COVID-19 guidance on ventilation’ available at https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/getting-back-to-work-a-covid-safeway/ventilation-guidance and consider which measures are relevant to your premises before completing this COVID-19 Safety Plan. Agree
Tell us how you will do this
- Who will read the guidance and how will you discuss and decide which measures are relevant?
Not applicable as all cricket activities operate outdoors.
Use outdoor settings wherever possible.
Tell us how you will do this
All cricket activities will operate in an outdoor setting.
In indoor areas, increase natural ventilation by opening windows and doors where possible. Agree
Tell us how you will do this
- Where relevant, what actions are feasible to increase natural ventilation in indoor areas?
All cricket activities operate outdoors.
For the canteen or clubroom Kings Langley Cricket Club will increase ventilation within indoor areas by opening of windows and doors where possible.
In indoor areas, increase mechanical ventilation where possible by optimising air conditioning or other system settings (such as by maximising the intake of outside air and reducing or avoiding recirculation of air). Agree
Tell us how you will do this
Not applicable as all cricket activities operate outdoors.
Ensure mechanical ventilation systems are regularly maintained to optimise performance (for example through regular filter cleaning or filter changes). Agree
Tell us how you will do this
Not applicable as all cricket activities operate outdoors.
Consider consulting relevant experts such as building owners or facility managers, ventilation engineers and industrial or occupational hygienists to optimise indoor ventilation. Agree
Not applicable.
Hygiene and cleaning
Face masks must be worn by staff and customers in indoor areas, unless exempt. Agree
Tell us how you will do this
- The reference to “staff” can be considered to refer to volunteers and match officials.
- What are the current requirements for wearing Face Masks?
- How do they impact the way your organisation operates?
- How will your organisation communicate the requirements to participants?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will communicate to all participants a requirement to wear a face mask when using any of our indoor facilities whilst ever there is a Public Health Order requiring you to do so.
We will also display the relevant signage on any indoor area that we operate.
Adopt good hand hygiene practices. Have hand sanitiser at key points around the venue.
Tell us how you will do this
- What hygiene protocols need to be considered specifically for cricket? Minimise sharing of equipment; sanitisation before and after cricket activities etc
- What strategies has your organisation implemented to ensure good hand hygiene practices are maintained?
- Where will you display posters and information regarding hand hygiene?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will promote the use of hand sanitiser and good hygiene practice to all participants. We will also encourage participants to carry personal hand sanitiser and to wash or sanitise their hands before, during and after all cricket-related activities.
Kings Langley Cricket Club will place hand sanitiser at key points around the venue.
Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels or hand dryers.
Tell us how you will do this
- Whose responsibility is the stocking of hand soap and paper towel in the amenities?
- Who is responsible for ordering, filling, checking and refilling supplies?
- If undertaken by the asset owner, who is responsible for reporting a shortfall in supplies?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will ensure that the amenities are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels (unless hand dryers have been installed) at all times.
Kings Langley Cricket Club canteen manager will check stock and re- order when necessary
Clean frequently used indoor hard surface areas (including children’s play areas) at least daily with detergent/disinfectant. Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces several times per day.
Tell us how you will do this
- What equipment is used by multiple participants?
- How and when will you communicate the need to clean and disinfect equipment between users?
- Do you operate at a venue with any frequently touched areas or surfaces?
- If so, what cleaning protocols will ensure a clean and disinfected environment?
Where equipment is shared, Kings Langley Cricket Club will instruct volunteers and participants to clean and disinfect any shared equipment in between each user using disinfectant wipes or disinfectant spray.
When in use, Kings Langley Cricket Club will clean indoor hard surface areas daily and frequently touched areas and surfaces several times per day. We will identify such areas and create a cleaning process for volunteers and match officials to follow.
Record keeping
Use the NSW Government QR code system to collect an electronic record of the name, contact number and entry time for all staff, attendees and contractors.
Tell us how you will do this
- How will you communicate the requirement to use the NSW Government QR code system to your participants?
Kings Langley Cricket Club will communicate to participants the need to use the Service NSW QR code system to check-in prior, and check-out after, any cricket-related activity. We will ensure that a QR code for any venue we use for cricket-related activities will have a QR code displayed in a suitable place to support this requirement.
Processes must be in place to ensure that people provide the required contact information, such as by checking phones for the green tick to confirm they have checked in (keeping 1.5m physical distance between staff and patrons). QR codes should be clearly visible and accessible including at entrances to the event.
Tell us how you will do this
- Are there any processes that you can implement to ensure this?
- What other tools are at your disposal, e.g. communications, signage etc
Kings Langley Cricket Club will communicate to participants aware of the requirement to use the NSW Government QR system to check in at each venue or facility.
We will ensure that QR codes and signage reminding participants of the need to check-in will be displayed in clearly visible and accessible locations.
If a person is unable to provide contact details, for example due to age or language barriers, another person may provide contact details on their behalf. If it is not possible for check-in to occur, keep a record of the name, contact number and entry time for all staff, attendees and contractors for a period of at least 28 days. These records must be provided in an electronic format such as a spreadsheet as soon as possible, but within 4 hours, upon request from an authorised officer.
Tell us how you will do this
Where a participant is unable to use the NSW Government QR Code Check-in System, Kings Langley Cricket Club will direct volunteers and match officers to record their attendance and contact details on an alternative attendance register (e.g. a sheet of paper, scorebook or Notes section in a phone or tablet) or in the match-day scorebook, and then shared with a Kings Langley Cricket Club Secretary via email. This will ensure it can be made available to an authorised officer available within 4 hours and filed for a minimum of 28 days.
If we identify identifies any language barriers to using the QR code check-in process, we will make use of the resources available at https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid19/resourcesother-languages.
Other types of venues or facilities at the event must complete COVID-19 Safety Plans where applicable. If contact details are captured electronically upon entry to the event on the relevant day, additional collection of contact details via electronic methods may not be required if there is no other public access to the sub-premises. However, additional contact details and time of entry must be captured if the event has sub-premises that are gyms, entertainment facilities, hospitality venues, nightclubs and retail premises. Agree
Tell us how you will do this
- Do you have operational responsibility for a sub-premise such as a gym, canteen or licenced bar?
- If a sub-premise is operated by a different entity, the sub-premises’ safety plan will be that entity’s responsibility
There are no sub-premises at this venue.
I agree to keep a copy of this COVID-19 Safety Plan at the business premises
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